The state's grade is based on six factors: state academic standards, charter schools, homeschool regulation burden, private school choice, teacher quality, and digital learning. Because the Education and Workforce Task Force at ALEC focuses the most on private school choice and charter schools, those factors were given double weight in the calculation over overall rank and grade. The weighted grades were converted into a GPA average and an individual rank.
Report Card Ranking
Historical Data
Education Spending
Per-pupil Spending | $14,327 |
% From Federal Funding | 7% |
% From State Funding | 41% |
% From Local Funding | 53% |
Historical Data
2013 | 2015 | 2017 | |
Per-pupil Spending | $12,288 | $11,671 | $14,327 |
% From Federal Spending | --% | 7.6% | 6.5% |
% From State Spending | --% | 36.7% | 41.0% |
% From Local Spending | --% | 36.7% | 41.0% |
Demographics & Achievement
State Population | 12,802,023 |
Per Capita Income | $54,203 |
Graduation Rate | 87% |
Average Class Size | 15.72 |
2015 | 2017 | |
State Population | 0 | 12,802,023 |
Per Capita Income | $-- | $54203 |
School-aged Children | 0 | 0 |
Graduation Rate | 86% | 87% |
Average Class Size | 15.2 | 15.72 |