UTLA’s latest shameful attack on charter schools: LA Daily News

Posted on:April 9, 2020

With myriad troubles facing students in the Los Angeles Unified School District, the president of the United Teachers Los Angeles’ myopic focus on power is so troubling.

In a letter to Superintendent Austin Beutner, Alex Caputo-Pearl once again attacked charter schools, this time under the fear-mongering guise of COVID-19 concerns, demanding a substantial delay on any new charter schools or co-location charters.

While Caputo-Pearl argued that his demands were based in health concerns and a lack of public input at school district meetings, the real purpose of the delay is to push new charter approvals until after July 1, when school boards will have more authority to reject new charter applications.

Caputo-Pearl’s latest attack against educational choices for parents frustrated by low-performing schools comes at a time when schools throughout California are scrambling to educate students via distance learning.

To read the rest of this column in the Los Angeles Daily News, please click here.

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